Gergal's philosophy has always been to produce as much milk from grass as possible. He practices a strict reseeding programme of 20-30 acres each year to support this with no fields sown out more than 6 years. He has been using Shamrock 1a grass seed since 2016 and thinks very highly of it. He also sows Shamrock seaweed fertilizer to improve grass palatability and increase milk production. So far he is very impressed with its results too. Even with the late spring he intends cutting this before 20th May.
Fergie Kelly, Co. Derry
I'm getting great results from the Shamrock Mineral Licks. I used the pre-calver one during the Spring...Cows all had easy calving. I've been using the General Purpose on my dry cattle when on grass for the past few years with good results also.
Catherine Guest, Co. Tipperary
Stevie Hazlet, Eglinton
Stevie Hazlett runs a sheep farm just outside Eglinton. He has been using Shamrock Mineral Buckets for the last couple of years and finds them a great help to the overall wellbeing of his flock.
His 2 pet alpacas(Tango & Cosmos) are quite fond of them too!
Kate Alpine
When my sweet doe was suffering with hair loss I went in search of a mineral lick specific to goats and found this wonderful product. I had been advised that horse lick would help but it was not meeting my girls' needs. Within a week of offering Shamrock seaweed lick, all their coats had improved. We now have four health does with their four beautiful kids running around healthy and happy looking great.
John Joe Dennehy, Bonfort, Mallow
I have been using Shamrock Breath Easy for years, I find it especially beneficial to prevent any of the animals coughings. One year I forgot to order it in time, the animals started coughing, once I got the product they started getting better immediately.
Seán Buckley, Millstreet, Co. Cork
I have been using Shamrock Beef Finisher for the last few years and am extremely happy with average daily gains and subsequent carcass weights. I will continue to use Shamrock Beef Finisher because of the results I have achieved.
Declan Coffey, Ballinamult, Co. Waterford
I used Shamrocks Sheep Feed tubs pre-lambing and they put on wicked condition. The best part was, I had to feed no nuts only haylage. It cost less with better conditioning...highly recommended.
Clare Dillon, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
I started using Shamrock fertiliser in 2016 and having used it on a few paddocks have noticed a better growth of grass, with increased density, the stock grazing those paddocks did exceptionally well. This year I applied the seaweed fertiliser to some more paddocks, and have been impressed by the improvement in sward again.
Mark Standford, Finnebrogue Estate, Co. Down
At Finnebrogue we manage a large deer herd from which Finnebrogue venison was formed. Nobody was able to offer a specific deer supplement until we talked to Shamrock. SInce we started using their buckets and powders the deer are thriving, coats shining and they have never been healthier. We are also introducing Wagyu cattle for Finnebrogue Artisan's specialist meat lines and the Shamrock lick buckets are producing cattle that have never looked or performed better. Overall I'm delighted with the products and personal attention we have received.
Dave Leahy, Dairy farmer, Tipperary Town.
I used shamrock 1A grass seed back in late September 2020. I was delighted how it got through the winter months and was able to get my first grazing in February and am ready for the next grazing in the next few days. Milk output and protein levels were noticeably improved. I am very impressed with the ground cover this blend of grass provides, with a nice clean pasture in front of the cows. I hope to do more re-seeding this year, and will have no hesitation using shamrock 1A, and would strongly recommend it. I also applied sea cal fertiliser to the reseeded ground at the time of sowing.
John McCarthy, Clonakilty, Co. Cork
I run a Spring calving milking herd and use Shamrock Calf Feed Block to rear my calves from 10 weeks old. The calves are in great condition with excellent average daily weight gains, and in July were averaging 200kg. The calves are doing very well and I am very happy with the product.
Another benefit of the Shamrock Calf Feed Blocks is that I don’t need to be buying meal and feeding the calves myself everyday.
John Thompson, Limavady
I reseeded 10 acres last year with Shamrock 1A and am very impressed with the results to date. The field is well covered with a great bulk of grass.
Owen Kelly, Co. Down
Since we started using High mag + fertility mineral buckets from shamrock enterprises, our stock has maintained a high level of nutrition. Our cows have a 100% conception rate + Sheep with only 3% barren, Lambing and calving with strong healthy offspring + No retention of afterbirths leaving cows returning back In calf & calving down well within 12month expected of them. The buckets can be slightly more costly and may be off-putting but we have fewer calls to the vets which means a lot less antibiotics which is what we are all after.
Ian Wilson, Dungiven
Ian uses both Shamrock salt blocks and Breath easy buckets. He has found them to be a great help for helping to keep coughs and pneumonia to a minimum whilst keeping his cattle thriving!
Stephen and Sandra run a 200 cow top-producing beef suckler herd. As all the ground they farm is taken in conacre and is quite high at over 600 feet overlooking Belfast lough they have to try to take as much from the grass as possible. To achieve this they reseed regularly and up to last year used Shamrock 1a grass seed. Last year They decided to try Shamrock's Hybrid seed looking to get more bulk for a shorter-term ley. They are delighted with the result they got.
Stephen & Sandra Gowdy, Northern Ireland
I’ve been using Shamrock mineral blocks for my sheep and goats since January, and I’m really happy with the condition of my ewes and health and vigor of my lambs this year, especially knowing they’re getting all they need to supplement their rough forage while grazing out on the hill. But most of all the difference in the condition of my goats has been phenomenal and meant I could stop buying bag goat feed and switch them to an all forage diet, and Shamrock were really helpful and made up my goat mineral with copper on request. I’ve even got my horses started on Shamrock now and they love it! It’s great to be able to support an Irish company with really good products and excellent customer support!
Carly Murnane, West Cork
Alastair Stevenson
I run a sheep and suckler farm in the sperrins County Tyrone along with my brother. The ground is quite high above sea level and of mixed quality. We have been using Shamrock buckets for both the breeding sheep and suckler cows since 2016. Our farm is quite scattered and not that easily accessed in places. We have found them to be a reliable source of additional mineral supplementation and have had minimal issues with milk fever and grass staggers. both the cows and sheep clean quickly. We highly recommend shamrock seaweed buckets.
I am happy to continue using Shamrock Milk Replacer for rearing my calves. Not only does it put a great shine on my calves, but my calves are healthier and stronger and achieve target weights at weaning. I would highly recommend Shamrock Milk Replacer to allow calves to reach their genetic potential.
Paul Hedderman, Klirush, Co. Clare
Colm Murray, Clonakenny, Co. Tipperary
I have been using Shamrock Dairy special for other 5 years now and I am very happy with the product. The calves are strong and healthy and my cows have excellent fertility.
Clayton Fulton, Strabane
I run a small flock of pedigree Zwartbles sheep. I believe in keeping them in tip top condition. I use Shamrock sheep mineral and sheep feed buckets and am very pleased with the results. Twin lamb has so far been avoided this year and the ewes are in great condition with strong lamb's at foot.
Thomas Kelly, Londonderry
I use a range of Shamrock products from grass seed to minerals and find them to be of superior quality. My suckler herd gets the dairy special powder minerals and so far they have been calving with good results producing good quality milk for their calves.
Liam Landers, Co. Tipperary
I put BreathEasy into the shed when I housed my yearlings. Some of the cattle had already developed a cough and had watery eyes and noses. After about 2 weeks, all these symptoms cleared up, and none of the other animals developed any similar issues. I would have no hesitation in using or recommending the use of BreathEasy again in the future.
John Mulcahy, Youghal, Co. Cork
A selenium and phosphorus deficiency had been setting my cows back for a number of years and I experimented with several different minerals to resolve the issue, but without success. Since I started using Shamrock Dairy Special plus Phos as my pre-calving supplement I have seen a huge difference in my animals. The condition and welfare of my cows have improved significantly which has a positive knock-on effect on subsequent milk quality and yield, as well as reproductive performance. My herd no longer show signs of deficiency, so my animals are happier and I’m happier.
Michael Browne, Fethard, Co. Tipperary
I’ve been using Shamrock Dairy Special with Vitamin E for the last four years as my pre-calving minerals and am very happy with the outcomes. Since I started using it, I have strong, healthy calves and no complications with calvings.
Sylvain Louvrier, France
I am a customer of Shamrock for the first time and I am not disappointed, to say the least. I bought Shamrock Sheep Mineral Block, High Mag and Fertility Cattle/SHeep Block and Shamrock Sheep & Lamb Feed Block. My Ewes and Lambs love the blocks without over-licking them. They take just what they need for their daily consumption. I really recommend Shamrock and its products.